Parents and Children
By M. Maigrot


S  t  e  p    1 :

Now select the object 'one' and then the 'two' (right click and SHIFT). Press 'CTRL+P' and validate by clicking on 'Make parent'. It's done: 'two' is now the parent of 'one'. The link is showed with a white line joining the two objects. When you do a multiple selection, it is always the last selected item that becomes the parent of the others.

The standard view
The 'Datas Blocks' view

Select the 'two' and apply to it some of the classics operators: Grab ('G'), Rotation ('R') and Scale ('S'). You should note that everything you do to the parent also affects the child, but the reverse isn't true. Please note that any operator using the gravity center of an object (such as Rotation or Scale) always use the gravity center of the parent.

Duplicate the child 'one' and note that the duplicata is also a child of the parent 'two'. The reverse is not true.

The standard view

You can make infinite chains this way. Select both 'two' and 'three' and using 'CTRL+P' make 'three' the parent of 'two'. You then have 'three' as the parent of 'two' and 'two' itself parent of 'one'. As a result, any operator effecting 'three' will effect both 'two' and 'one'. Also, any operator applied to 'two' will effect 'one', but none of the operators applied to 'one' will effect 'two' or 'three'.

The standard view
The Datas Blocks' view