Blender : Modelling clouds or mist with Blender
By Saraja Olivier

I  n  t  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  o  n

You certainly find, sometimes, cloud textures for your skies too artificial, or with the wrong weather, enlightenment, or colour conditions. Sometimes also, you would like to add to the mood of your lost temple in this mysterioux valley with brands of mist hanging to its broken columns, but the Mist function (from the World Buttons) is too uniform and artificial. If either case is true, this tutorial is written for you ! Modelling methods for clouds or mist are exactly the same. Only the thickness and the shape of the emitter will change, along with the texture parameters.

Important note : The modelling methode discussed in this tutorial uses animation tools, but give its best results for static pictures. Don't try to use this tutorial if you want to include clouds or mist made in an animation. In this case, a good variant should be to use static particles to achieve the same result, but the core parameters will be quite different in order to get satisfactory results.