Treematk tree visualizer version 0.3 Project hosted by Tuxfamily (, current documentation site: Authors: see file AUTHORS (in case you don't find it, please obtain from License: GNU LGPL (see file LICENSE or ==How to use== * Place the files "treematk.php" and "style.css" to a HTTP folder of a web server (or your localhost) with PHP 5 or above installed * Testing: Request "index.php" (example to be located in the same folder as "treematk.php") with your tree string (see documentation at for HTTP GET parameter "tree" (e. g. http://server_location/index.php?tree=Lemon,Apple.Banana..Orange) * Including in your project: After "include 'treematk.php';" and creating a new tree with "$example=new tree;", you can a: generate the tree from your tree string $ts: "$example->generator($ts);" or b: use a manually generated array $ta as tree: "$example->treearr =$ta;" and finally "print $example->tree_html()" where you want to include the tree ==About the project== Treematk, a tuxfamily project started on July 7, 2010 by Yushin Washio, is a server-based tree diagram visualizer, generating simple HTML lists out of a submitted string, displayed as a tree using CSS. The resource-saving PHP script uses nested arrays, which are optimum for creating trees with flexible child numbers (not only binary trees). All the components of the opensource project should be licensed under the GNU LGPL license ( to let both free and proprietary software developers take advantage of it.