window.location='index.php?redo=1".$_SESSION["queryString"]."';"; else echo ""; die(); } } if( isset($_GET["systemid"])) $nbMach = 1; else $nbMach = getCount($_SESSION["storedRequest"]); PrintEnTete( $l->g(484)." ($nbMach ".$l->g(478).")"); if( ! isset( $_GET["systemid"] ) ) echo "
<= ".$l->g(188)."
"; else echo "
<= ".$l->g(188)."
"; ?>
"; } ?>
g(485); ?>
g(486); ?>
g(487); ?>
g(488); ?>
ERROR: MySql connection problem
"; return false; } } else { $lareq = getPrelim( $_SESSION["storedRequest"] ); if( ! $res = @mysql_query( $lareq, $_SESSION["readServer"] )) return false; while( $val = @mysql_fetch_array($res)) { if( ! @mysql_query( "INSERT INTO devices(HARDWARE_ID, NAME, IVALUE) VALUES('".$val[""]."', 'FREQUENCY', $freq)", $_SESSION["writeServer"] )) { echo "
ERROR: MySql connection problem
"; return false; } } } return true; } function resetFrequency( ) { global $_GET; if( isset($_GET["systemid"])) { $val[""] = $_GET["systemid"]; if( ! @mysql_query( "DELETE FROM devices WHERE name='FREQUENCY' AND hardware_id='".$val[""]."'", $_SESSION["writeServer"] )) { echo "
ERROR: MySql connection problem
"; return false; } } else { $lareq = getPrelim( $_SESSION["storedRequest"] ); if( ! $res = @mysql_query( $lareq, $_SESSION["readServer"] )) return false; while( $val = @mysql_fetch_array($res)) { if( ! @mysql_query( "DELETE FROM devices WHERE name='FREQUENCY' AND hardware_id='".$val[""]."'", $_SESSION["writeServer"] )) { echo "
ERROR: MySql connection problem
"; return false; } } } return true; //TODO: comprends pas: echo "DELETE FROM devices WHERE name='FREQUENCY' AND hardware_id IN ($lareq)";flush(); } ?>