"; exit; } } if (($HostServer != "") and ($XferMethod=="archive") and ($ArchiveDest!="")) { if ($ArchiveSplit=="") { $ArchiveSplit="0"; } echo ""; exit; } if (($HostServer == "") or ($TypeServer == "") or ($XferMethod == "") or ($dhcp == "") or ($Share == "") or ($defo == "")) { $err="4"; echo ""; exit; } // On teste si le compte et mot de passe sont remplis if (($XferMethod == "smb") or ($XferMethod == "rsyncd")) { if (($Compte == "") or ($PassWord == "")) { $err = "2"; echo ""; exit; } } /* if ($XferMethod == "rsync") { if ($Compte == "") { $err = "3"; echo ""; exit; } } */ /********************* Tout est Ok Suite de la conf ***************************************/ if ($defo=="N") { // Dans le cas ou on veut faire une conf particuliére include "entete.inc.php"; require ("config.inc.php"); require ("ldap.inc.php"); require ("ihm.inc.php"); require_once("lang.inc.php"); bindtextdomain('sauvegarde',"/var/www/se3/locale"); textdomain ('sauvegarde'); // Rechercche les valeurs par defaut $WakeupSchedule = variables(WakeupSchedule,config); $FullPeriod = variables(FullPeriod,config); $IncrPeriod = variables(IncrPeriod,config); $FullKeepCnt = variables(FullKeepCnt,config); $FullKeepCntMin = variables(FullKeepCntMin,config); $IncrKeepCnt = variables(IncrKeepCnt,config); $IncrKeepCntMin = variables(IncrKeepCntMin,config); $FullAgeMax = variables(FullAgeMax,config); $IncrAgeMax = variables(IncrAgeMax,config); $EMailAdminUserName = variables(EMailAdminUserName,config); $hourBegin = variables(hourBegin,config); $hourEnd = variables(hourEnd,config); $weekDays = variables(weekDays,config); echo "