Agustin Benavidez (1): Add get_linear_velocity() method to VehicleBody class Aleksandar Danilovic (2): Fixes 64 bit MSVC builds, disables bits parameter Fix MS Visual Studio build settings Alex (1): tiny fix to loop restart (#4358) Alex Piola (2): Fix #5854 Fix for incorrect velocity report due to a typo. Alexander Holland (8): expose md5 for file(s) to gdscript (editor)filedialog mode open any dictionary has_all string ends_with fix - HTTPClient connection keep-alive duplicate Headers #4208 added name parameter on animationplayer finished httpclient request withh raw_array body fix percent decode utf8 error Algrin6 (1): Fix curve bug Anarchid (2): Implement GridMap support for navigation meshes manually fix indent Andreas Haas (28): Joystick demo script cleanup Allow ItemList icons to stretch to max size. Add a slider for zooming TileMap preview icons. Set tooltip for SpriteRegionEditor Use scalar to scale TileMap icons x11: Add support for filesystem drag & drop using xdnd Delete unused code in TileMapEditor xdnd: can handle more than 3 different target types window management demo: show screen dpi Make Color.{rgba}8 return int instead float fix ui_* input events in Editor Add a "copy path" item to the filesystem dock context menu. x11: fix vsync support x11: Implemented dpi detection x11: fix XRandr GetMonitors Update gamepad mappings. Windows: Support gamepad vibration using XInput. Set default duration parameter of joystick vibration to 0. Expose missing Quaternion operators. Add "bool" to GDScript reserverd keywords Windows: prevent freeze while moving or resizing the game window. Can use AtlasTextures as custom mouse cursor. Input: add get_connected_joysticks() method. Add gamepad mapping for the steam controller userspace driver. Project Manager: Import projects using filesystem drag'n'drop. UI navigation via JOYSTICK_MOTION. Fix steam controller gamepad mapping Remove unused function in Project Manager. Andreas Hirschauer (1): i18n: Add more German translation Andrii Skrynnyk (1): Respect frame property when converting to TileSet. Aren Villanueva (2): Implements get_executable_path for OS X should proc_pidpath in doesn't succeed. Silences the warning for javascript as the function currently appears superfluous. Adds a remove class item option in the theme editor. Ariel Manzur (17): adds -pm and -project_manager command line options to start project manager theora on server build added [presets] to ._sc_ and "android/shutdown_adb_on_exit" to editor_settings deleted files added accidentally merged iphoen changes I think this is ok, "resizable" property might change rate url on iOS and properly launching from .app on OSX disabled appirater export fix_alpha_edges clonning env for builtin ssl cloning env for builtin_openssl _and_ openssl :) using 1 env for all drivers fix fix drivers build on ios fixes android drivers build temporary fix for vsync call on x11 added "arch" parameter, made iphone use it to build isim Arvid Gerstmann (1): properly detect .h as a C++ header file Bojidar Marinov (33): Document Tween class Add option to keep margins when changing anchors, closes #3979 Fix a crash when running a game with Controls with a tools build Fix issues with tilemap covering child nodes and old quadrants Bind Z key (without modifiers) to toggle wireframe in 3D view Fix Ctrl+LaunchMedia showing up as a shortcut for "Make Bones" Fix PopupMenu and MenuButton not activating items with shortcut inside submenus Add a `sleeping_state_changed` signal to RigidBody and RigidBody2D classes Port collision and layer masks to 3D, fixes #1759 Fix File.get_csv_line not including quoted newlines in the output Add a add_triangle_fan method to SurfaceTool Add preview of the Camera2D's screen boundaries Fix Camera2D ignoring zoom when checking limits Add a python script to check the current doc status Fix continious update with Camera2D Allow dragging on only one (global) axis when holding down shift Document Popup, PopupDialog, PopupMenu, and PopupPanel Fix #4588 (crash Control::_set_anchor) Save member information in docdata Fix a XML error with the documentation Reorder tiles into nice columns Sync with -doctool Document Viewport and ViewportSprite classes Update asset library editor plugin - new functionality and fixes Update asset library assets only when opening the respective tab Add sha256 to String and File/FileAccess. Check hashes when downloading assets Add support levels to search Fix project manager category list, small enchancements as well Fix a inherited transform bug with Camera2D preview drawing Fix default ranges of the inspector Fix reading of empty StringArray-s in .tscn Fix #5891 by not expecting the script instance to be a GDInstance Bonfi96 (2): Added Italian Localization (#4908) i18n: Corrected a typo (#5460) Brandon DeRosier (1): Correct spot light size conversion in Blender exporter. Błażej Szczygieł (4): SampleLibraryEditor: Initialize "is_playing" variable EditorAssetLibrary: Don't call add_child() on uninitialized pointer GridMap: Initialize "navigation" pointer Fix Theora video playback without a Vorbis stream Calinou (1): Change low processor usage mode to cap to 60 FPS rather than 40 FPS Carter Anderson (1): Remove noisy print Christian Dannie Storgaard (1): Added toggle for loop interpolation based on adolson's code CowThing (7): Documented YSort (#4515) Finished Timer Documentation Finished AnimationPlayer Documentation Input Documentation Filling in documentation. Filling in documentation Filling in documentation Dana Olson (2): added a couple more Linux mappings, tweaked Ouya Linux mapping added more Android gamepad mappings Daniel J. Ramirez (48): GridContainer, CheckBox documentation, descriptions for Vector2 and CenterContainer.set_use_top_left Documentation for Canvas Modulate, ColorPicker, ColorPickerButton Partial documentation for Particles2D Documented ColorRamp Documented int methods Documented float Documented bool methods Fixed documentation generator for polymorphic functions Changed barely visible PROPERTY_HINT_ALL_FLAGS buttons for checkboxes Documented LinkButton Partial documentation for OS methods Documented @GlobalScope singletons and some keys Fix some errors in some rotation functions, also clarify that certain parameters are expressed in radians Clamped some light2D ranges Modified damp ranges Added first batch of svg icons Second batch of icons New icons, almost all the icons have an svg version, plus a more consistent look Added basic script to convert source svgs to pngs Added 2x PNG versions of the icons Added missing icons for some nodes, changed instance icons Fixed some icons given the feedback, also added some missing icons listener icons Regenerated icons with the new faster exporter, Added and fixed some icons Added customizable shortcuts for tile map editor Added some shortcutable actions for animation player editor Added shortcuts to convert_to/MeshLibrary and convert_to/TileSet (pretty handy), dissabled by default. Completed shortcuts for Tile Map Editor Added some theme icons and its sources Added zoom icons for graph edit, and removed old exporter Added new svgs to pngs exporter Visible path editor icons, fixes #5228 Removed lots of prints Added missing icons for some nodes Added loop interpolation and track trigger icons Switch tabs using CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Added shortcuts to scene tree dock Fixed file name being removed on folder change in save as dialogs fixes #5324 Added high resolution icons for the Gizmos, fixes #1638 Configurable shortcuts for tabs switching Shortcuts for script switching in script Mode Canvas item editor shortcuts Added spatial editor shortcuts for now it does not support the emulate numpad setting Color picker fixes: - fixed alpha channel slider range in raw mode to go from 0 to 1 fixes #4396 - fixed HS bars going outside the control area - fixed color text field changing to hex mode even if script mode was selected Added documentation for color picker raw mode Modified some icons Stop baking process if there is no geometry in the BakedLightInstance. moved missing baked light warning to BakedLightInstance configuration warning New http request and tutorials icon Daniel Ramirez (1): Partial documentation for Polygon2D and Raycast2D (#4467) David (1): applied some typo fixes. see godotengine/godot-docs#18 Dennis Brakhane (4): Move repetitive code to macros Add support for Python-like negative indexing correctly parse floats in scientific notation fix memset calls DimOkGamer (8): Added Russian Localization Added more translatable strings in code. Updated template tools.pot. Many improvements of Russian translation Added 3 more translatable strings 1 changed string Fixed localization in file dialogs rtr instead ttr Update of Russian translation (commit 48a7216) Dima Granetchi (5): Command-F focus filter input field in project manager keep selected_list up to date fix run button availability check dnd folder open scan window if engine.cfg not found Auto import project folder, confirm scan multiple folders or non-project folder Dmitriy Salnikov (2): more fixes in Russian localization (#5006) Update russian translation from Weblate (#5140) Ferdinand Thiessen (1): Fix compiling for X11 on non-86, this fixes #5444 Franco Eusébio Garcia (1): Add math/script expression evaluation in editor (#3620) Franklin Sobrinho (38): Added search box in Class List dialog (Script Editor) Removed "__editor_plugin_screen__" metadata creation Fix Sprite doesn't updating region_rect value in certain conditions The help page now show the entire object hierarchy Fix Project Settings dialog add/delete global variable Add icon region support for ItemList Tilemap Editor: Rectangle drawing/erasing and small improvements Tilemap Editor: Line drawing and erasing Tilemap Editor: Shortcuts for the editor menu, fixed small inconsistencies Tilemap Editor: Bucket fill Tilemap Editor: Bucket tool - optimize memory usage, "removed safety limit" Fix crash when importing sub-scenes Automatically create input node when creating a ShaderGraph Fix file dialog, of Particles2D plugin, showing "Error" icons Tilemap Editor: Use ItemList::set_item_icon_region in tile palette Tilemap Editor: Fix some last issues of PR-4006 Fix editors panels, of the bottom panel, not resizing in some cases Fix addon disabling Fix EditorPlugin::forward_spatial_input_event in GDScripts addons Fix TreeItem range editing by dragging on the inspector Added drag and drop to rearrange the autoload order * Created a new class for autoload settings, in editor_autoload_settings.h Implement undo/redo for adding and deleting global properties Fix own world option of Viewport. It happens when the viewport has WorldEnviroment child with a valid Enviroment Fix EditorSpatialGizmo virtual functions not being called * Bind EditorSpatialGizmo::clear method Fix CollisionPolygon gizmo showing error icons instead of the 3d handles Fix custom types showing on wrong dialogs * The custom types are visible when the dialog is shown Fix tree drawing the pressed stylebox in all buttons in the column Fix "Play custom scene" keyboard shortcut Fix Orphan StringName on EditorAutoloadSettings class Fix signals/group button on Scene dock Keep debugger selected tab open when pressing the pause button Fix empty reference pages after restarting Godot Fix editor states saving, and remove related error messages Fix ScriptEditor don't saving the layout when opening a help page - Use ScriptEditor::_update_script_names just once when re-creating the layout Fix crash when dropping scene as a sibling of the root node Fix Editor Settings dialog range editing by dragging and using the slider Keep selected section in Editor Settings when reopening the dialog "FileSystem" dock now instance all selected scenes in one action Geequlim (22): Fill in the blank in the Array, CenterContainer and Dictionary class reference (#4476) Add more documentations and fix AcceptDialog::add_cancel Add more documentations for this classes: Add 'Show In System' option into filesystem RMB menu Document the FileDialog and partial OS methods Changes to open dir in native explorer RMB option Rename 'Show In System' to 'Show In File Manager' Replace path from DirAccess::get_full_path to Globals::globalize_path Add spaces to macros in memory.h to make C++11 compilers happy Set more visible string to translatable Add Simplified Chinese translation Simplified Chinese Translation: Fix issuse in last commit Add more translation Make dialogs translatable More translation for zh_CN Expose ResourceImportMetadata::set_source_md5 for script Add texture region support for stylebox render Add texture region support for Patch9Frame Add plugin to pick texture region and patch margins for Patch9Frame Enhanced StyleBoxTexture: Add texture region support for StyleBoxTexture. Quick region(texture region and scale region) selection for StyleBoxTexture with TextureRegionEditorPlugin. Fix ui layout for EditorFontImportDialog Add support for AtlasTexture resources Add undo/redo support for texture region of stylebox and atlas texture resources. Fix endless reimporting for LargeTexture close #5215 Clean up editor theme creation Add @GDScript.type_exists George Marques (60): Implement OS.get_process_ID for Windows Update Opus driver to 1.1.2 Fix windows 64-bits build. Fix memory leak Fix build for Windows 64-bits with GCC Add ignore error flag to OpenSSL driver Add documentation for Input.get_magnetometer() Remove translatable strings in comments Add pt_BR editor translation file Remove Make-related flags from Android build Fix Color8 constructor using wrong value range Add 'from' argument to Array.find() Add 'rfind' function to Array Add documentation for Array.find and Array.rfind Add 'is_subsequence_of' function to String Add subsequence search to tools Add documentation to String.is_subsequence_of{,i} Fix crash in code completion Fix javascript build in Windows Fix make_dir for long paths on Windows Add similarity comparison to String Add docs for String.bigrams() and String.similarity(text) Fix TextEdit cursor position after undo remove text Improve code completion search Replace 'or'/'and' keywords Fix layout menu labels and shortcuts Add classref for File class Fix File.get_as_text() to return the whole file Fix classes.xml sorting Sync classes.xml with the new sorting Add sha256_buffer() function to String Rename CanvasItem.edit_get() to edit_get_state() Add docs for String and CanvasItem Fix bug in String==StrRange comparison Fix Android sensors polling rate on resume Expose *Array.invert() to script Add *Array.invert() documentation Fix cscript module syntax errors for MSVC compiler Fix visual server error when minimizing the window Fix typo in file dialog shortcut Improve Quick Open search Fix code completion sorting Stop completion when the match is perfect Fix completion string check when column = 0 Add OS.request_attention() for Windows Make sure builtin types' constants remain in order Update classes.xml to fix sorting of constants Improve quick open sorting Revert removing of function call in gd_parser Fix builtin OpenSSL configuration Allow semicolon after 'pass' keyword Fix crash on asset lib install Fix classes.xml structure Fix binding of File::get_sha256() Add icon for root node in Create Dialog Fix mouse wheel event position on Windows Avoid changing position when the window is fullscreen Improve Windows application details Fix Windows resource script Fix editor icons source file generation GungnirInd (2): Make .app bundle hidpi aware Implement OS.request_attention() for OSX (#5662) Hearto Lazor (2): Now the timer could be paused pause with: set_active(true/false) is paused with: is_active() Fixed curve baking, now always start at origin point Hinsbart (4): add sign comparison for joystick axis events in InputMap::_find_event Encode axis_value in Variant for InputEvent::JOYSTICK_MOTION. More precise InputMap Axis descriptions in project settings. Fix ds3 gamepad mapping Hubert Jarosz (9): migrate to container-based Travis CI remove trailing whitespace fix possible crash in platform/x11/joystick_linux.cpp fix possible crash in tools/editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp fix possible crash in tools/editor/editor_import_export.cpp fix two reading uninitialized pointers fix six possible "divide by zero" remove trailing whitespace [ci skip] update Raycast documentation Hugo Locurcio (1): Change the default comment color to #676767 (#4763) Ignacio Armenteros (1): Fix #4748: proper call to base class function Ignacio Etcheverry (48): Fix crash when resizing ConcavePolygonShape2D segments TileSet Export: Avoid invalid error when merge is enabled but file does not exist TextEdit: Fix inconsistent copy, cut and paste behaviour LineEdit/TextEdit: Add Shift+Delete shortcut for cut TextEdit: Fix Shift+Delete shortcut not calling cut() BoxContainer: Bind method add_spacer(bool) MarginContainer: Add top, right and bottom margins CanvasItemEditorPlugin: Avoid selecting items from instanced scenes - This behaviour is only applied to click selection. Rect selection and List selection can still select these items Fix RayCast not updating when debugging collissions x11: Flush the X output buffer after changing mouse mode Keep editable instances data when replacing tree root node Fix 'Quit to Project Manager' not stopping the running application Fix checking unsaved changes only in current scene Add missing Vector2Array case to Variant::operator String() - Correcly display Vector2Array default arguments in the documentation Fix wrong return and argument types in documentation Save line number color with text editor theme Debugger: show error message if description is not available TextEdit: Avoid capturing KEY_ESCAPE when there is no completion hint TextEdit: Improve search method to avoid overlapping results ScriptEditor/ShaderEditor: Replace find/replace dialog with a bar Fixed and improved search bar - Search no longer selects the results - Return focus to the text editor when hiding the bar - Fix connecting to invalid signal - Update/redraw the text editor after searching Removed invalid DEFVAL for HTTPClient::request_raw Preserve signal connections when replacing the target node FindReplaceBar: Fix search bug when text is selected BaseButton: Add identifier for shortcut in tooltip ConnectionsDock: Double click to create and go to signal connection LineEdit: Fix and improve selection behaviour TextEdit: Change font size with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up/Down LineEdit: Word jumping and OSX hotkeys Fix weird deselection behaviour with text field - TextEdit will now deselect if Ctrl+Left/Right is pressed - TextEdit and LineEdit no longer deselect text when Alt is pressed (except with Apple style keys) Prettier str() for arrays CanvasItemEditor: Changed Frame Selection shortcut LineEdit: Fix rtl scrolling with mouse drag selection MenuButton: Avoid event propagation if handled as hotkey MenuButton: Fix regression MenuButton: Fix event propagation with dialogs Label: Added `get_visible_line_count` method Implement missing ShortCuts in CanvasItemEditor TextEdit: Center search results Project Manager: Added project list scrolling with keyboard Viewport: Replace obsolete "windows" group calls - Fixes neighbour focusing event propagation not being stopped Prettier str() for some math types Project Settings: Use containers for the Input Map tab content AboutDialog: Popup respecting its minimum size LineEdit: Fix event handled as text when a mod key is pressed Fix regression with str() improvements for math types Fix infinite loop when replacing text Project Manager: Fix and improve unhandled input J08nY (38): Sync class-ref with code base. Added classref for RigidBody, and finished classref for Resource Sort l18n while building Sync classref Exposed a RESULT_DOWNLOAD_FILE_CANT_OPEN constant to docs and GDScript. Added classref for HTTPClient and HTTPRequest Fix typo in http_client.h Added Array.find_last() and Array.count() Added InputMap.get_actions() Added Dictionary.values() Somewhat fixed Directory::get_space_left() return values. Sync classref Exposed Image.INTERPOLATE_* Classref for: ImageTexture, Image, LargeTexture Windows: Hide mouse on MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED RtAudio: proper under/overflow warning Sync classref Dictionary: rename param in .has() .has_all() .erase() String documentation: .ord_at() returns int not String Classref: Added docs for StreamPeer* (#5216) Sync classref Fixed PacketPeer.get_var() return type in docs Classref: added PacketPeer* Classref: Mutex, Semaphore, Thread, *Array (#5278) Remove CHARTYPE_16BITS unused checks Remove USE_QUAD_VECTORS unused check libogg: New version 1.3.2 libvorbis: New version 1.3.5 libtheora: New version 1.1.1 Object: get_signal_connection_list fixed Animation: Fix property loop_interpolation *Array: added bindings for other DVector methods Classref: added for new *Array bindings libpng: New version 1.6.27 Fixed iCCp chunk in pngs Fixed HQ2x compiler warnings Doctool: correct XML indentation Classref: update with new doctool indentation Jakub Grzesik (2): animation_started signal to AnimationPlayer added KDevelop project files to gitignore Jamil Halabi (2): Fixed building for latest Haiku nightlies. Added gyroscope support to Godot and Android Jan Heemstra (3): Sync classes reference template with current code base Documented WeakRef and member functions fixed some mistakes in WeakRef documentation Jaroslaw Filiochowski (2): Don't start a new tooltip timer for the same tooltip Hide tooltip if new mouse position's tooltip is empty Javier López Úbeda (1): Update Tween class documentation Jean Jung (4): itemlist-get_selected_items syncing the reference Added ItemList.get_selected_items() doc Adding support to get the raw text without formatting information from a RichTextLabel. Johan Manuel (8): Ability to rename autoloads Fix the rotation not updating in the inspector with Controls Expose virtual keyboard functions to GDScript Fix typo in ScrollContainer documentation Fix ItemList.clear() not removing separators Fix warnings in core/variant_op.cpp Fix crash when GraphNode wasn't a child of a Control Fix some warnings Josh Grams (22): AnimationTreePlayer (Blend3): process all inputs. AnimationTreePlayer: blend value tracks (closes #2299) TimeScale node: scale return value (time remaining). Variant::blend: add Quat, fix Vector3. AnimationTreePlayer: distinguish value tracks. TimeScale node: return +inf remaining for 0 scale. * AnimationTreePlayer (_process_node): remove `switched` argument. doc/base/classes.xml: String.match, Node.find_node AnimationTreePlayer (_process_node:TIMESEEK): give p_seek precedence over tsn->seek_pos. AnimationTreePlayer (_process_node:TIMESEEK): allow auto-advance with 0 xfade. AnimationTreePlayer (_process_node): more robust oneshot termination condition. AnimationTreePlayer (set_active, reset, constructor): seek all animations to start. AnimationTreePlayer (transition_node_set_current): fix by removing copy-paste duplication. AnimationTreePlayer: constructor now sets processing mode. AnimationTreePlayer: allow animating resource properties. AnimationTreePlayer: fix discrete value tracks. RigidBody2D: add and bind get/set_applied_torque. RigidBody2D: add and bind get_inertia() method. RigidBody2D: rename apply_impulse(pos) to offset. AnimationTree: set value track property per frame, not per track. AnimationTree: add filters to Animation nodes. RigidBody2D (add_force, set_inertia): new methods. Juan Linietsky (263): First attempt at making a more useful EditorPlugin API. Still undocumented, but feedback welcome! fix transform localization event in mouse motion Completed the support for plugins! It is not possible to add plugins. Not all APIs are provided yet, please request whathever you are missing. Some example plugins are provided in demos/plugins. Just copy them to a folder in your project named addons/ and then enable them from the project settings. Have fun! -wip on addon editor -fixes instantiable subclasses not working, as reported in #3871 -Work on addon editor plugin (disabled by default) -New HTTPRequest node, to make HTTP requests simpler. -more progress to asset sharing client, but still disabled by default -Made editor support SSL certs by default (embedded them) -Made asset sharing support https -Many fixes to HTTPRequest -Added an asset installer dialog -Visual cleanups to asset sharing tab -Fixed some issues in ScrollContainer, hope it does not break things -Asset sharing tab is not visible (hidden on purpose) for now. move Font to BitmapFont Support for dynamic fonts (TTF) Revert "added name parameter on animationplayer finished" Add ability to send drag events to another object Modified editor strings to be translatable in the future base for translation template is now pot accepting suggestions forgot this ability to shrink all images x2 on load fix to avoid video texture scaling missing default value -make sure single select after multi select works better -fixed some warnings for OSX -begun implementing drag & drop editor wide ability to drag scenes from filesystem to tree for instancing New reworked AnimatedSprite! Changes to FileSystem Dock Experimental Right Mouse Button menu for SceneTree Contextualized Scene Tree menu Missing translatable strings Default editing popup for LineEdit and TextEdit -Added configuration warning system for nodes First version of Profiler fixed compilation bug Real-Time Remote Inspector support -Improve resource previews General docks clean up Changed import workflow Added translation support to Godot Finalized DynamicFont implementation fix freetype paths on osx and mingw DPI Detection support hidpi for now not available on mingw, sorry -Some fixes to OSX retina scaling for window functions -Implemented HiDPI detection and support for Godot Editor! changed font system to use fallbacks Implemented file drop support in OSX Some cleanup to GDScript removed dependency on shcore.dll to get DPI Ability to reload scripts on running game missed ifdef that broke android build Removed demos Cleaned up remote menu Signals became a tab Created a NodeDock with signals and groups -customizable shortcuts in editor fix for travis changed TTR for RTR Make Input Actions config not affect the editor make hdpi manually configurable in project settings vsync support Added function get_signals_connected_to_this_this() should help properly implement #5058 -Fix small bug regarding to canvas layer detection, closes #4381 properly pass events to parent controls, closes #4701 Revert "Fix ui layout for EditorFontImportDialog" -Heavily improved editor startup and exit performance Added asset library on project manager for templates Fixed some options in assetlib -properly use hidpi icons in hidpi, looks pretty! port changes from AnimatedSprite to AnimatedSprite3D -Ability to reload (and soft reload) tool scripts. Please test! Disable asset library compilation if no openssl exists -make freetype build for all platforms the same, default as builtin except on x11. closes #5119 If a resource is delete from fs dialog, but the resource is currently loaded, clear the path of the resource. Fixes #5110 Revert "Fix min size bug of Label" Reverted a PR i don't understand how to find but fixes #5097 Fix last line of label being deleted by line spacing fixes wrong bool return, closes #5037 Better way to disable asset library property output unix seconds since epoch in windows get_system_time_secs, fixes #5155 Show descriptive errors when look_at is improperly used, closes #5131 better rewording do not allow picking in captured mode, closes #5134 -All variables from script are visible through get_property_list(), not just those with export() -Added PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE to identify what comes from script -closes #5146 Added options to keep scale and keep aspect centered to TextureFrame, closes #5114 Made many built-in gdscript functions return more descriptive errors, closes #5150 make sure tab is not visible in RichTextLabel, closes #5079 Rewrote ConnectionsDialog to use containers, should work fine on HiDPI, closes #5608 remove unnecesary found bug? print, closes #5028 Prevent crash in specific situation of removing a plugin, fixes #5019 make sure editor forgets removed settings, closes #5010 fix crash in SamplePlayer, closes #5005 Fix the warning message from not using the editor theme, closes #5002 remove (for now) the next/prev instance buttons in debugger, closes #4993 gdscript tokenizer will dislike use of case, closes #4991 apply built-in scripts when running the game, closes #4987 fix how some display values are shown, fixes #4953 Ability to discard instancing from menu, closes #4903 rewrote LineEdit window repositioning code so it does not eat the last character, closes #4992 Made error when signal calls a method with the wrong number of parameters more detailed, closes #4893 Fixed ancient bug that prevented proper theme editing, closes #4924 project history was not being saved after a recent fix, this should fix it Changed how min/max icon size in ItemList works and replaced it by a fixed size. Fixes many issues, closes #4907 fixed tile map editor plugin, all previews are now the same size, closes #4983 resolve numerical error when comparing instancing an inheritance to avoid saving changed properties when they didn't, closes 4759 -Add visible IO errors when closing a file fails due to it being locked (most likely on windows), closes #4760 -Avoid negative zero from being saved to config files o resource files, fixes #4758 Changed reload logic to auto-hard-reload scripts on save. It's simpler to use and also fixes #4756 propagate theme changes properly even through 2D nodes, fixes #4754 added a function CanvasItem.get_item_and_children_rect() , fixes #4738 changed visual server free() to free_rid() like in the other servers. Fixes #4917 fix crash when clearing dynamicfontdata, closes #4877 Better error text when trying to add/remove/move child nodes in a busy parent, closes #4838 correctly wrap lines longer than width in richtextlabel, fixes #4735 does not fix the bug reported in #4326 and #4818, but at least make sure it throws and error and does not crash It is now possible to set a default custom theme, whether you want a hidpi default theme, or just use a custom font for the default theme -added missing .inc files -Made it possible to change the editor theme -Added two options to theme editor plugin to create empty template themes and editor themes -Make sure that saved themes to .tres keep the null theme fields, to make it easier to keep those when saving/loading the theme fixes compilation error on visual studio, closes #5249 Keep track of when fonts change, so theme or controls that use fonts as overrides get properly updated. closes #4622 , probably closes many other issues too Fix bug in GridContainer not updating minimumsize when columns changes, fixes #4677 Send body inout notifications after state is applied, fixes #4683 TabContainer now reports proper minimum size, closes #4896 Fixed fractional offset not being reset in ringbuffer resamples, closes #4764 Probably fixes other streamplayer issues too. changed == for >= since some statements may not store a line (if line is empty) this is added to #5204 reverted to ==, if a line is missing a statement, we'll have to make sure to add it Fixed make_dir and make_dir_recursive erros, closes #1680 closes #1872 -made get_space_left() return values more homogenous, also for script, converted to mb, closes #4617 -Changed how Dir works so it's more user friendly, closes #4705 Make ".." always appear even if dir is unlistable (likely lacking permissions), closes #1938 -fix bug in scene tree dragndrop reparenting, closes #4712, closes #4633, closes #4628 -avoid editor scrollable areas to scroll if touchscreen ui hint is turned on update EditorDirDialog on external change, closes #4629 Change hash grid in 2D physics to contemplate large objects as separate cases, to avoid huge memory and performance penalty. Fixes #4662 corrently parse utf8 from zip_io open, closes #1708 this probably failed when exporting or opening android apk files too, should fix that too. Fixed a stupid bug with segment-segment collision in SAT physics, closes #4801 , closes #4984 DynamicFontData can be built-in (will still link to a ttf though), closes #4600 -Do not ask about overwriting when opening a script in the wizard, but still show complaint about existing. Closes #4545 -Fixed a crash in EditorDirDialog revert previous fix, was a bad idea make default extension .tscn -Added trigger mode to tracks, useful for properties that work as triggers, such as playing a sample, an animation, etc. -Better interpolation of discrete tracks, fixes #4417 Add function to get the color picker dialog from ColorPickerButton, closes #4415 -Setting script in multi node edit works, closes #4442 -Added options for scene import plugin to keep materials and user-added tracks to animations, please test! closes #4425 Make sure that scripts are reloaded if needed when they enter editing, fixes #4456 -Added ability to disable overwrite warning on file dialog, fixes #4545 Property reporty base type when a function fails, fixes #4581 probably also closes other issues Make dure to only call drop_data if can_drop_data returned true, closes #4616 -Improved theme editor, when a new class is added, the members are created empty, closes #4619 -Made theme editor take less vertical space by using a scroll area fix loop counter for eventstream, closes #4493 properly initialize loops to 0 in eventplayer Changed save all scripts shortcut to avoid collision, fixes #4278 Fix error storing path for children of instanced nodes in .tscn, fixes #4320 fixes #4579 fixes #4580 Allow mouse wheel to go throuhgh so scroll containers work properly, fixes #4431 added missing status, closes #4361 Add quotes to .tscn keys, solves #4366 Fixed the order of events called by _input, closes #4384 fix bug decompressing bc texture, closes #4404 fix CanvasItem.get_global_transform() and CanvasItem.get_local_transform(), closes #4075 do not crash when generating preview of very large sound files, fixes #4123 property remove parent owned nodes when using replace, fixes #4128 Ability to premultiply alpha on font import, fixes #5231 Better support in ScriptLanguage for GC based scripts Fixed error using the same atlas rect for all images, closes #4139 Improved binding system (ObjectTypeDB::bind_method) to be friendlier to statically typed languages, should help in the Mono integration. Disabled by default. Fix issue saving flags (size fill expand), fixes #4176 Make button aware of it being dragged and reset state, closes #4178 Properly report a valid error instead of reporting as a bug, closes #3841 changed way to return reference Added function to notify ScriptLanguage when a thread is created/freed, allows scripts to allocate a stack there via TLS try to fix windows build -Fix crashes with thread_exit() -Added draft of C script API (still disabled and unused) missing files Cleaner way to enable ptrcall Ability to set draw transform as a matrix, closes #5428 Revert "Fix issue when switching between FileSystem and other editor docks" Fix error reporting when a scene is not imported properly, closes #3968 Added an option to ParallaxLayer to add an extra scroll offset, helps if you want to make clouds to move by themselves and animate that, for example. remove the warning of instances in use at exit Avoid mirroring to go negative to fix crash, closes #4036 Properly deliver localized coordinates when passing gui events through parents, closes #4215 Ability to rotate controls using tool, closes #3800 Properly complain when a scene file has not be selected, closes #3811 Add a small workaround to avoid modal tabs to be closed if they are spawned in the same frame, closes #3837 Make most resources (save for packedscenes and scripts) reload if they change on disk. Closes #4059. fix bug in reporting of message queue size Ask about selecting a main scene if one has not been selected. Figured out a way to fix event propagation for shortcuts and some other cases so they properly stop shortcuts if a modal window is open, closes #4848 Avoid recursion in filesystem scanning, closes #3838 Fixed bug in instance state ordering, closes #3904 Fix extends issue, closes #4026 Fixed bug related to resolving constants in a class, closes #1110 Fix bug in inner class reference, closes #1411 Properly show the source:line even in inner clases, closes #3766 Remove error when getting dependencies from tscn files in some cases, closes #3897 Change method of storing folding, solves problems with inheritance, closes #3395 Editor properly reloads scenes if they changed on disk or were reimported Do a second stage remap, so it considers translation first, atlas second, closes #5147 Turn on SNI in OpenSSL AnimatedSprite and AnimatedSprite 3D adapt the name of the current animation if the one in SpriteFrames is removed/added or renamed. Closes #5152 remove unnecesary warning, closes #5169 make property not be applied in skeleton if not inside tree. This will eventually e changed. Fixes #5205 only call finished signal when it really finishes, closes #5222 Add Variant to the list of clases, so it can be documented (make sure it can't be documented that it can't be used). Closes #5237 Allow animation name to be clipped, closes #5246 Warn instad of crashing when class instance is gone after yield. Closes #5247 , probably closes other yield related crashes Ability to put constants in constant expressions, closes #5264 Only check for constants when parsing constants, should close #5497 Only emit item_selected once per Tree row, closes #5280 Fix some bugs in diraccess, closes #5288 Properly show the sample and play it back, also closes #5288 Make both signals be ordered and samplelibrary items too, fixes scenes changing for git, closes #5289 throw error if GridContainer::set_columns goes below 1, closes #5316 Fixes to import plugin, closes #5318 Many fixes to scene tree node dragging, closes #5341 Improved drag&drop to work as n-piggeon wants to use, closes #5342 Invalidate key focus if not visible, fixes #5354 Color picker was getting too much focus, made it get not as much focus. This abuse of focus was the original culprit of #5354 Fixed the order of input, reverts #4384, closes #5361 Data dir returns a symlink in Android 6.0, which confuses DirAccess on android, this should fix it Removed no longer needed check missnig ; Added proper resource preview cache invalidation, fixes #5342 Avoid settings from being lost when opening project manager. Probably fixes many issues of this kind, like missing shortcuts or other settings fix to the fix, and removed some conflicting shorcuts added missing return value Only allow built-in scripts to be edited when the scene they belong to is loaded, closes #5403 Fix several bugs related to node duplication and signals, closes #5405 Fix the +1 button to insert keyframes in Sprite and Sprite3D, closes #5422 do not allow removal of groups that come from instanced/inherited scene, closes #5505 remove warnings if a script is missing and can't be opened Avoid crash if setting modifiers fails, closes #5158 Cleaned up preview generation thread, fixes #5499 do not show help on multi node selection, array editing, etc, closes #5550 properly generate tangents only upon request, closes #5580 Finally fixes the infamous bug #4444, hoping to never see you again. Closes #4444. removed target_fps option, moved it to debug (it makes no sense for games). Added a frame_delay option for games that don't want to use the CPU fully. Changed tree so shift-selection skips folded children, closes #5515 line/col label was changing size with each cursor move, forcing the GUI to resize upwards and costing considerably CPU usage. It has been changed so it won't resize the UI when modified. This will make the code editor feel a lot smoother. Add function to get the list of samples, closes #5561 As volzhs mentioned in #5385, changes to save to FILE_SAVE_ALL_SCENES Downloaded templates from project manager can now be installed. Forgot to clear signals on recompile, closes #5729 Add a function to notify font users that the font changed. Closes #5774 properly fixed notificaitons for theme changed, closes #5774 Properly transform sub-viewport input, closes #3580 remove GLU dependency, closes #3787 Property convert images to RGBA before applying hq2x, fixes #5168 Always soft reload editor plugins. Closes #5273 WIP bugfix for existing connections Fixed properly not save signals that already exist in their base scenes, closes #5656 put text formats for resources and scenes as priority Fixed reloading of tool scripts within editor, they should work much better now, closes #3194 Some optimizations and limits for extreme zoom in and out in editor, fixes #5820 Hide editor types from create node dialog, closes #3263 Renamed scenes_dock to filesystem_dock (makes more sense, it has not been a scenes dock since a long time). Instance only selected scenes in FS dock, closes #5795 Update profiler curves on item toggled, closes #5680 properly implement item disabling, fixes #5683 Set proper line into operators when parsing GDScript, fixes #5822 Show a warning that an animation must be selected in order to edit it. Avoid copying/pasting if no anim selected. Closes #5799 Make texture parameter optional in begin() of ImmediateGeometry. Closes #5676 and closes #5720 Removed support for saving paths as relative, closes #5728 Editor now has good refactoring tools, so this function is mostly obsolete Add some doc to ImmediateGeometry shows progress (bytes) on download even if getting chunked content Add thread support to HTTPRequest, changed assetlib to use it. Changed the way the step decimals are computed to a safer way, fixes many issues. Fixed bug in make_dir_recursive, closes #6016 prevent bug due to scripts not working in editor and notifier sending signals to it. Julian Murgia (2): Edited classes.xml : GraphEdit finished (#4450) Written AnimatedSprite, AnimatedSprite3D (unfinished) Julian Murgia - StraToN (4): Fixed closing a scene tab when it was not the CURRENT tab. Fixes #3810 Documented Node2D Documented BackBufferCopy. Need validation for the different copy modes (constants) Documented Light2D and LightOccluder2D Keyaku (1): Added alert() functionality for OS X Krzysztof Jankowski (1): OUYA gamepad mappings fix Kyle Luce (5): Added epoc to dictionary converter Fixes the month consistency issue in enums and get_date etc Add function to convert Date time from a dictionary to Epoch Conversion function for screen coords to local Canvas coords Could not use pre multiply alpha for material in editor Lisandro Lorea (2): Add es_AR.po. First complete draft. Add es.po Luiz Paulo de Vasconcellos (1): Change toggle comment behaviour. Fixes #4198 MSC (3): free Material 'shadow_material_double_sided' on ::finish() memdelete 'joy_thread' + 'joy_mutex' on ::~joystick_linux() Some additions to the OS documentation (#6037) Marc Gilleron (2): Fixed #4163 (intersect_shape crashes on results limit) Made trackpad behaviour optional in 3D mode (issue #4265) MarianoGNU (13): Add Drag&Drop to ShaderGraphEditor's texture uniform graph node. Remove focus from Sprite Region Editor dialog. Fixes #4751 Remove unused connection. ShaderEditor should'nt handle ShaderGraphs. Fixes #4678 && #4745 Chance Snap for SnapMode and add AutoSlice option. Modify margins with mouse input Don't create outlines from dummy meshes. Fixes #4718 Initialize missing variables. Fixes #5461 Save all edited scenes when Runing (and auto-save is enabled). Fixes #4410 save the editor state of the right scene instead of current Fix pick color from screen. Closes #5853 Prevent crash in TextureRegionEditor. Fixes #5862 expose bottom panel button to EditorPlugin scripts Update documentation. Mario Schlack (5): Implement get_screen_dpi() on Android Minor code formatting in platform/android Implement OS.request_attention() for X11 Code cleanup in platform/x11 Fix help page title indentation Martin Chuckeles (6): Move the call hint under the current line Hide hint if completion is active Add editor settings for call hint placement Add special new line opening Write GDScript documentation Add more verbose build-in functions descriptions Add descriptions for some global constants MattUV (1): classref: Fixed return types in Area and Area2D (#4635) Mattias Cibien (5): Fixed behavior of OS.set_window_resizable Remove double incluson of scene/gui/dialogs.h Cursor hides only in client area Working even when re-entering window. Added possibility to strip left and right to strip_edges (#4594) Maxim Lebedev (1): Morphological and stylistic corrections in ru.po Maxwell Huang-Hobbs (1): inherit PKG_CONFIG_PATH from environment Mehmet Durgel (1): Clarification about enter keys confusion Michele Valente (1): Adds the ".vscode" folder from Visual Studio Code to ".gitignore" Mounir Ybanez (1): Added getter method for the connection property in HTTPClient. (#4336) Nobody Really (3): Whitespace fix Comma fix Flake8 compliance (except for unused variables) Nuno Donato (1): * fix messages when modifying on switching the active axis Ovnuniarchos (7): Polygon2D now exposes vertex colors. Documented many Physics2D* classes New Shape2D* icons. Optimized one way collision loops. LineEdit placeholder now accepts translated strings. TreeItem.set_button exposed. Exposed mode, access, filters, and show hidden files to the editor. Also, two functions to get/set the filter list. P-GLEZ (3): Area Documentation classref: Area documentation StaticBody documentation Patrick Reh (1): Added Tile Origin = Bottom Left option to the TileMap Paul Batty (2): Function syntax highlighting Fixed text edit undo and redo operation interaction Paul-Vincent Roll (1): Added partial German translation. Paulb23 (87): Enabled scrolling past end of file Added configuable tab size Highlight all occurrences of selected word Fixed highliting with shift and mouse Fixed highlighting when word occurs as substring first Option to toggle tab drawing Syntax highlighting for numbers Stopped save scene flicker, issue 4118 Fixed numbers not highlighting after space Adds .fnt extension if not provided, issue 162 Option to toggle line numbers Added insert mode to text editor Fixed insert mode removing first unselected character Fixed insert mode interaction with auto complete Fixed undoing twice when removing selection Fixed 'complex' typo in method name Member variable syntax highlighting Ability to change the caret color Fixed block indent inconsistency, fixes issue 3803 Option to toggle syntax highlighting Setting to change line number color Fixed undo redo interaction with find replace Trim trailing white space on save, issue 4383 Added scroll lines, issue 4243 Fixed shader editor syntax coloring Shader editor now uses text editor settings Autocomplete no longer shows duplicates, issue 1824 Fixed autocomplete truncate, issue 4554 Fixed code completion after opening bracket, issue 3977 Fixed animation player auto-queue duplication and undo/redo Fixed autocomlete strings not appearing for function arguments Added caret blink in text editor Bind caret blink to gdscript and properties Updated caret blink method documentation Node duplication positions under duplicated node, issue 964 Fixed hex notation highlighting Multiline duplication, issue #4661 Added color themes to the text editor Fixed caret color not changing though properties Added settings to change marked and breakpoint color Added breakpoint markers, issue 4750 Fix crash when redoing backspace to clear selection Added, goto next and previous breakpoint and remove all, issue 1690 Current line draws behind line numbers and breakpont gutter Added fullscreen and distraction free modes Fix error tab index out of size print, issue 4997 Improved breakpoint marker position, and scales with font size Caret blink no longer updates when hidden, issue 5100 Fixed editor help focus issues and input propagation Added script editor shortcuts Added shader editor shortcuts Added fullscreen and distraction free mode shorcuts Fixed error: set_current_tab print on project open Added editor file dialog shortcuts Made .fnt warning translatable Text Edit no longer draws caret on focus loss Fixed caret not drawing on focus regain Added code completion background color setting Added code completion selected color setting Added code completion existing color setting Added caret blink to line edit Added caret blink documentation Line edit caret no longer draws on focus loss Added setting to toggle line edit caret blink Fixed save as not working with scripts Exposed code completion colors to the text edit theme Fixed selected text turning black, issue 5199 Fixed function highlighting with spaces Fixed signal connection prints when moving docks, issue 5498 Added search to shortcut config Removed shortcut saving print Fixed highlight all occurrences highlighing highlighted section Added completion scroll color Added completion font colors Expose colors to theme Expose show line numbers Expose highlight all occurrences Update textedit docs with colors, show line number and highlight all occurences Removed duplicate color Added block caret to TextEdit Added caret block mode to docs Added code editor zoom shortcuts Fixed breakpoint gutter toggle not updating when game is running, issue 5712 Update docs with breakpoint_toggled signal Fixed caret width on tabs Exposed enable syntax highlighting to properties Added Scene tree dock shortcuts Pawel Kowal (5): Improved Blender/Collada -colonly import creating collision shapes for empties Improved Blender/Collada shadeless->unshaded import Update String.capitalize() documentation Array has(var value) function Array has() documentation Pedro J. Estébanez (15): Keep the default environment variables as set by SCons Remove found dead code Keep certain assets uncompressed on Android export Fix typo Zip-align exported APK Handle tmp files properly on Android export Make editor compatible with Windows high contrast themes By providing a manifest specifying the targeted Windows versions (as per now the Godot editor renders normally under a high contrast theme on Windows, instead of staying white/black. Improve parallax mirroring algorithm Replaces the iterative approach currently used by the standard fmod() function. Also fixes infinite looping that happens when the mirroring value is negative. Optimize member access with self Let the compiler take the fast path when a member is superfluously accessed with `self.`. Improve parallax mirroring algorithm Replaces the iterative approach currently used by an equivalent direct computation. Also fixes infinite looping that happens when the mirroring value is negative. Make Android build smarter (SCons + Gradle) Upgrade Gradle and Android plugin for Gradle Disable all signing and zip-aligning for the export templates Give correct names to generated APKs Put .so files built by SCons right where Gradle has to pick them according to arch & build type Downgrade NDK platform to 14 to match minSdkVersion Revert "make default extension .tscn" Homogeinize resource formats loaders/savers Tidy up population of extensions list Make text formats preferent over binary ones RegalMedia (1): Update version in Info.plist Robert Lewicki (1): Fixed ItemList indexing bug while selecting items. Roberto (4): Add missing license information (MiniZip) Add missing license information (WebP) Add missing license information (Theora) Add missing license information (ogg/vorbis/opus) Rémi Verschelde (175): Remove Noto Sans font from translation demo (heavy!) normalmap demo: convert images to JPG screen_shaders: convert demo images to JPG Remove grey capsule on official logo Quick fixes to tween documentation formatting Revert "Merge pull request #3814 from est31/iterators_for_for" Remove undefined binds Add stop and delete buttons to sample library Remove redundant buttons Expose android/shutdown_adb_on_exit parameter and default to true Add support for patch versions (2.0.x) Enter the 2.1 alpha phase Fix last two bindings in input_mapping demo Port 2D demos to TSCN/TRES formats Remove trailing spaces Switch Mac version to 2.1-dev too Separate help pages from scripts by default Doc: fix type of stream object Remove duplicate Sync docs with source Drop obsolete WIP for Flash platform Drop NACL platform Remove last NACL references Various improvements to Classref: Document Button and ButtonArray Specify the demos license classref: Run doctool and merge BitmapFont Ignore invalid folders in `platform` Project manager: unescape project names (#4494) math: Fix rounding error for 0 in Math::round (#4495) AnimationPlayer: Prevent resetting timeline when pinned (#4497) GridMap: Fix backwards rotate hotkeys (#4498) OSX: Fix lib suffix for Android lib (#4499) FileDialog: reset mkdir label after use (#4500) Tabs: Fix icon size not taken into account for offset Tabs: Fix navigation buttons overlap when resizing Tabs: cleanup code, no functional change Tabs: Fix align issue with right/close buttons Debugger: Fix breaked signal binding (#4508) Sync class reference i18n: Don't make print_line calls translatable i18n: remove trailing spaces in script i18n: regenerate template for removed debug strings Variant: readd String.ends_with and Dict.has_all Issue template: ask for Godot version Rotation APIs: Better exposure for degrees methods Sync classes.xml with current sources Windows: Fix MinGW argument being passed to MSVC OpenSSL buildsystem: actually apply the flag on gcc/clang classref: Sync with current source classref: Directory and ConfigFile Travis: Install android *DKs in verbose mode Travis: Filter verbose output of ndk install Travis: Filter out another string, still noisy GDScript: Fix method info for is_nan and is_inf i18n: Simple improvements i18n: Make .pot paths hopefully platform-independent CanvasModulate: fix build issue with GCC i18n: Sync template with source Android buildsystem: Drop obsolete NDK_TOOLCHAIN argument i18n: Proofreading of all strings i18n: Sync template with previous commit i18n: Second pass at proofreading VehicleBody: Cosmetic fixes to previous commit i18n: Use %d instead of %i in vformat i18n: Fix another %i in vformat i18n: Cosmetic fixes to extract script i18n: Add location of duplicate strings to the context i18n: Disable line numbers in location context i18n: Recreate template with improved script i18n: Add gettext header template to the POT Add codetriage badge i18n: Fix typo and sync template i18n: Add makefile to handle translation updates i18n: Sync translations with template Editor: Fix base dir when going back to project manager FreeType: Add mandatory license text i18n: Fix parsing bug while adding locations to the template Icon: Remove more grey capsules behind official logo i18n: Convert Russian PO to Unix format i18n: Sync Russian translation with template GH Linguist: Ignore drivers/* i18n: Sync PO files with template i18n: Enable parsing RTR strings i18n: Sync template and PO files with source i18n: Sort files to parse alphabetically Update to libpng 1.5.27 Remove leftover from the demos Physics2D: Rename default_density to default_linear_damp HiDPI: Use global/hidpi_mode as property Fix indentation issues in last commits Haiku: Do not define GLEW_ENABLED to undefine it later GLEW: Define static + enabled and includes via SCons GLEW: Update to upstream version 1.13.0 (pristine) Assetlib: Update link for renamed repository i18n: Sync and merge translations with source Fix type hint for the seed argument Add missing license headers in our source files (#5255) Drop empty files that are not used anywhere Drop empty .cpp files for header-only classes Drop fully commented-out files Drop useless 3rd party files from nedmalloc and png i18n: Sync translations with Weblate i18n: Add translators credits in the PO headers i18n: Update and merge translation templates i18n: Also sync incomplete translations from Weblate i18n: Improve a couple English strings i18n: Sync translations from Weblate isim: Sync with iphone files list classref: Fix UTF-8 parsing in makerst iOS simulator: merge into iphone Fix typo to PTRCALL_ENABLED from previous commit png: Do not output warnings as errors Gradle: remove trailing spaces Revert "Improve parallax mirroring algorithm" Revert "Added toggle for loop interpolation based on adolson's code" Fix style bug in event queue i18n: Fix malformed TTR call i18n: Sync translations from Weblate i18n: Sync template with source i18n: Merge translations with template assetlib: Connect to the API using SSL GH linguist: properly detect .inc files as C++ Fix return type for EditorResourcePreview::check_for_invalidation Revert "Fix return type for EditorResourcePreview::check_for_invalidation" Initialize the SSL certificates in the project manager SceneTreeDock: Fix wrong argument in _has_visible_children Removed unused variables (first pass) Removed unused variables (second pass) + dead code Remove unused variables (third pass) + dead code ScenesDock: Fix regression in tree generation Remove unused variables (fourth pass) + dead code Cleanup: drop ImportSettingsDialog, replaced by contextual actions classref: Fix descriptions indentation after #5588 classref: Fix arg name for is_action_pressed/released classref: Add docs for InputEvent* and InputMap OSX export: Default to fat format, make it an enum RichTextLabel: Fix adding raw text when bbcode is disabled Regenerate hardcoded Godot icon to match current one Remove Better Collada Exporter, now in its own repo Bump version to 2.1-beta \o/ Drop obsolete "webpold" backup of previous webp version WinRT: Add missing license file for ANGLE i18n: Pull translations from Weblate i18n: Sync template with current source i18n: Merge translations with synced template Fonts: add missing license information i18n: Add missing locale identifiers for Bengali and Urdu Remove some noisy debug prints Revert "Make editor compatible with Windows high contrast themes" OS: Add get_engine_version method Revert "Change default extension to .tscn when import 3d scene" Fix multichar character constant warning Revert "Homogeinize resource formats loaders/savers" Fix main scene not being saved when set via Play button classref: Sync classes with source classref: WIP improved docs for Node Fix binding for ItemList.sort_items_by_text FreeType: Reduce diff with upstream 2.5.0 version FreeType: Remove unnecessary subfolder FreeType: Update to upstream version 2.6.5 rg_etc1: Upstream version 1.04 zlib: Update builtin version to upstream 1.2.8 RtAudio: Update to upstream version 4.1.2 Turn some prints to error logs, remove others Fix non-visible col number in text editor Bump version to 2.1-rc1 GLES2: Check for GPU capabilities to display an error Windows: Make alert message box use MB_TASKMODAL Fix GraphEdit dragging issues at scales != 1 World2D: Fix typo in default_density deprecation check Improve dialog title when scanning for projects Bump version to 2.1-rc2 OSX Info.plist: no longer dev version Release 2.1-stable Samuel Grigolato (3): Fix issue when switching between FileSystem and other editor docks. #5384 Add support to String type in gdscript iteration. #5188 Add tile index prefixes in tile map editor plugin. #5420 Saracen (25): Ability to colourize baked lighting in real time. Fixed hardware-accelerated skinning support. Fix to CPU skinning path when using GPU skinning (meshes with morphs) causing modifications to root bone to have doubled offset and wasted performance. Added extra controls to GeometryInstances to control how they should cast shadows: double-sided and shadows only. Borderless window support for the Win32 build. Default window position is now also centred. Fix 'FLAG_RECEIVE_SHADOWS' flag for GeometryInstances so that turning it off now correctly disables shadows from affecting the instance. Undo and redo commands on text editor now affect internal version which fixes inconsistent file saving validation. Fix cursor getting locked on tree control if tree is cleared while modifying numerical element. Added listener spatial node. Dynamic property list for control margins allowing floating point properties to be used with ratio anchors. Subclasses can now extend from other subclasses contained in scripts derived from relative paths. BoneAttachments now position themselves instantly during bind. Support for #includes in built-in GL shaders. Fix error in GLSL #include code Expose string 'erase' method to script Exposed remaining PROPERTY_USAGE constants to script Expose Vector2 abs method to scripts Expose control theme element and override detection methods to scripting side. Bitmask import plugin Fixed bottom left and right icon order for anchor editor. Make return type explicit. Removes AnimationPlayer renaming on import. SurfaceTool add_index method exposed to scripts. Explicitly initialize 'pending_auto_reload' to false. TextureRegionEditor snap_mode fix. SaracenOne (1): Fixes errors occurring when switching to a new scene with a spatial editor from a canvas editor. Sergey Lapin (3): InverseKinematics node, basic features Added speed setting Now parameters can be changed real time Siyuan Gao (1): Script Editor: adding close all docs menu option Skyfrit (3): Android: Add support for Traditional Chinese (TW) (#6061) Android: Add support for Traditional Chinese (HK) (#6061) Android: Rename values-zh to values-zh-rCN (#6063) Stabington (1): set_time_scale docs SuperUserNameMan (2): fixes #5464 windows_joystick close_joystick bug windows get_latin_keyboard_variant() implementation and gdscript binding TheoXD (1): fixed interactive_loader() not returning a cached scene Timo Schwarzer (4): Add reset_smoothing() for immediately fixing the camera to the destination location Add align() to realign the Camera2D to its tracked node Add documentation Fix Camera2D header for align() UgisBrekis (1): Adds the ability to draw parent-children relationship lines in scene tree editor Warlaan (2): Added classes' short descriptions as tooltips in the create dialog. The create dialog starts collapsed now. The original behavior can be reactivated in the editor settings. Wilhem Barbier (4): Check the save path before importing a 3D Mesh Add joystick vibration support on Linux (#5043) Fix the joystick vibration timestamp Remove the vibration effect from the joystick when stopping ZX-WT (1): Incomplete Traditional Chinese translation(zh_HK) Zher Huei Lee (11): Adds EditorPlugin::remove_control_from_bottom_panel() Updated the docs for EditorPlugin Added relative paths for DirAccess::remove() Progress bar minsize now checks percent_visible Updated nrex to v0.2 Fixed zero-length arrays in nrex. Fixes #4346 GUI Focus mode improvements Added examples to RegEx doc Added texture mipmaps and filtering to DynamicFont Added extra spacing support for DynamicFont DynamicFont caches now accounts for texture flags allkhor (1): Fix String::is_valid_integer() for single symbols + and - anatoly techtonik (2): Show which video driver is used in verbose mode docs are not wiki (#4770) atze (1): i18n: Improve existing german translations blubee (1): Add support for gnu-libstc++-4.9 needed by recent NDK versions captainwasabi (1): Fix for tooltip blinking (#4713) demolitions (2): Fix for #4014, changed to 2 instead of 3 chars to trigger search Fixes #3942 - Throws an error when exporting for X11 with no filename derderder (1): Improve french translation eska (12): Always set default clear color Reimplement key input events in Emscripten export Add fallback to legacy KeyboardEvent in web export Move export GUI debug toggle to export settings window Ignore unneeded Opus file, fix JavaScript build Remove nocpuid.c from builtin OpenSSL Fix implicit GDScript Reference inheritance Link libdl only on Linux, fix BSD build Pass mouse position to Input singleton in web export Fix help search dialog titles Document FuncRef, GDFunctionState, InstancePlaceholder, RID, World2D Revert documentation of return type for FuncRef::call_func from b80c42e est31 (7): Fix allocation bug if compiled with modern clang or gcc Fix typo in error Add xrange builtin function Use xrange for common "for i in range(...)" use case Fix bug with nearest_power_of_2_templated README: Improve Documentation section README: use https links to main website fluffrabbit (1): Add magnetometer sensor support for Android hinsbart (2): x11: fix joysticks not recognizing some buttons use joystick name from mapping-db if available hodes (2): Enables the possibility of editing on multiple plugins at same time on same object type. editor_node.cpp now takes care of removing plugin after deactivating it hondres (4): html5: workaround for echo key events. doc: fix joystick left/right trigger axis description (index 6/7 instead of 4/5) osx: fix inverted horizontal scrolling fix InputMap::action_erase_event() hyperglow (1): i18n: Improve existing german translations. Merged two po files. jay3d (1): Add "-rigid" postfix import feature to create rigid bodies jmintb (1): Switched the space shooter demo from none fixed process to fixed process kjohnson0451 (1): Adds the invert() method to DVector. m4nu3lf (2): TimeSeek node in AnimationTreePlayer now propagates filters AnimationTreePlayer filters improved marcelofg55 (8): OS.get_screen_size now returns the correct value on OSX Added 'fat' option for bits param on scons for osx, this will produce a fat binary that contains both 32 bits and 64 bits binaries Added application/fat_bits property for EditorExportPlatformOSX::EditorExportPlatformOSX Key modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Meta and Shift) may be used as Input keys now on OSX Right click->Quit on the godot icon will now close the application on OSX. Fixed get_window_position that missed a return on OSX. Fixed overloaded virtual functions with const vs none warning Added popup menu for animation key right-click Fix set_window_size not setting the correct size on OSX mrezai (5): Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.1s Fix OpenSSL compilation on Windows Update OpenSSL to version 1.0.2g Add openssl=builtin to build command in .travis.yml Update OpenSSL to 1.0.2h paper-pauper (1): Changes X11 res_name to "Godot_Engine" punto- (3): Use non-templated nearest_power_of_2 Removing round from int interpolation Revert "Fix implicit GDScript Reference inheritance" samuel.grigolato (1): Fix issue when switching between FileSystem and other docks. #5384 sanikoyes (14): Fix link error when disable_3d=yes Allow select multiple files in ResourcePreloaderEditor Add -r flag to adb install for keep app user data Rename path to paths Add etc1(pkm) texture loading support Fix GDScript crash when call show/hide in func _exit_tree Fix crash when tween control object previous freed Fix warn print when hide an control does not inside_tree Fix crash in dynamic font fix stb font property names fix line_edit&label get min size bug fix line_edit draw char(x ofs_max) Add placeholder property for line_edit this useful for user input tip add placeholder alpha property Fix crash in FileAccessJAndroid::file_exists (does not free local ref) sheepandshepherd (1): Add RangeIterator class for loops sunnystormy (2): Added rotation/panning support for trackpads in 3D mode #53 Renamed Trackpad Hint to Emulate 3 Button Mouse. (#5258) vamsi (1): Fixed a crash in scenario where SSL is not available. volzhs (52): fix gradle build on windows This will disable png arm neon optimizing for android template if compile on windows, but make compiling successful. And arm neon opt is enabled if not on windows. correct typo "overwrite" remove unused resources and add korean locale for android Allow any directory for custom character set and gradient image file when import font open directory or file when double click Add SpinBox to Lossy Quality on Image Groups remove old bind for add_frame of SpriteFrames use case insensitive for searching nodes in Scene tree dock Scenetree Nodes drag and drop visual representation fix compile failure when tools=no Supporting Android API 23 (Android 6.0) fix error when open project and close editor use node name as filename when save scene fix unexpected char: '\' error on windows D&D: Fix wrong path in ScenesDock (#4789) fix compatibility for Android API 14 with supporting API 23 Add comments for NotificationCompat to support API < 16 fix random inifinite loop when open editor Supports to use non-latin characters in script editor fix error when open scene or switch to another scene fix crash and error with texture atlas fix invalid texture plugin name change invalid characters when get user data dir on Windows & Unix Add Korean translation deselect in help when click somewhere Fix min size bug of Label Better translation for Korean add line spacing option to script and shader editor (#5105) update Korean translation fix android support screen property for large screen change "No matches" noticeable on finder fix errors while exporting android correct current Intent for android fix android resource locale Fix network IP setting change Fix autosave when run on remote device Remove duplicated aidl for android Fix string array parameter check with jni remove the warning of instances in use at Project manager exit Fix main(2D, 3D, Script) panel not updated when start up and select from tool button Fix wrong return bool, string, string array data through jni Fix crash when null value through jni on android Add android_add_default_config for Update webp driver to 0.5.1 (upstream) Modified webp source codes for godot Perform connect when double click a node on connecting signal window Change default extension to .tscn when import 3d scene Fix can't get all info if user purchases many items and not consumed Add querying details of IAP items for android Fix compile error if use android_stl=yes Remove "SMOOTH BEGIN?" message