Module | Description |
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.agentmotion |
Agent behaviors.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.attributes |
Definition of collections of dynamic, variant, generic attributes.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.dbasefile |
Reader and writer of dBase files.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.javafx |
Helper for including JavaFX in your application.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.mathfx |
JavaFX implementation of the geometry objects.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.nodefx |
High level JavaFX components.
org.arakhne.afc.advanced.shapefile |
Reader and writer of ESRI shape files.
org.arakhne.afc.bootique.bootique_application2 |
Provide application information to the bootique components.
org.arakhne.afc.bootique.bootique_log4j |
Provide the bootique extension for log4j.
org.arakhne.afc.bootique.bootique_printconfig |
Provide the extension for printing the Bootique configuration.
org.arakhne.afc.bootique.bootique_synopsishelp |
Provide the bootique extension for creating a user-friendly synopsis.
org.arakhne.afc.bootique.bootique_variables |
Provide the bootique extension for declaring and mapping environment variables.
org.arakhne.afc.core.inputoutput |
Utilities related to input and output of files.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathgen |
General math utilities.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathgeom |
Geometry objects and utilities.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathgraph |
Mathematic graphs.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathphysics |
Physic-inspired tools.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathstochastic |
Stochastic random number generators.
org.arakhne.afc.core.mathtree |
Tree data structure.
org.arakhne.afc.core.references |
Utilities and collections with the support of weak and soft-references.
org.arakhne.afc.core.text |
Utilities for strings of text.
org.arakhne.afc.core.util |
General utilities.
org.arakhne.afc.core.vmutils |
Low-level and JRE related utilities.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.gisbus |
Definition of data structure for bus network.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.gisbusinputoutput |
Reader and writer for bus network library.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.giscore |
Definition of the data structures for geographical information systems.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.gisinputoutput |
Reader and writer for GIS data structures.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.gisroad |
Definition of the data structures for road network.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.gisroadinputoutput |
Reader and writer of road data structures.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.ui.giscorefx |
JavaFX components for displaying a GIS map.
org.arakhne.afc.gis.ui.gisroadfx |
JavaFX components for displaying road networks.